The wholesale financial markets are dynamic and fast changing and these conditions demand highly qualified people with wide-ranging market skills and knowledge. ACI’s Education Program provides a globally acknowledged, portable, professional qualification that enhances career prospects, improves job performance, and sets benchmarks within the industry. ACI regularly communicates with a wide range of national Regulators on the education and training of market participants. ACI also works closely with regulatory bodies in a number of countries to ensure that market standards, ACI’s examinations and regulatory requirements all find common ground.
Certificates and Diploma
ACI Dealing Certificate
The ACI Dealing Certificate is a foundation program that allows candidates to acquire a working knowledge of the structure and operation of the major foreign exchange and money markets, including the ability to apply the fundamental mathematics used in these markets, and their core products (cash, forwards and derivatives), and the basic skills required for competent participation, including the ability to apply the fundamental mathematics used in these markets. Candidates should also be able to apply The Model Code to their situation. The course is designed for the following groups: New entrants and junior dealers (0-18 Month’s Experience) in the dealing room, Middle office and operations personnel and Auditors and compliance officers.
ACI Operations Certificate
No transaction can take place without the back-office. It provides a vital service to the front office by ensuring that all funds flow in a timely and correct manner and all the necessary documentation is completed. This examination has been designed to provide a benchmark for competency in all aspects of the operations process. The ACI Operations Certificate supports treasury operations teams and related groups to efficiently cope with stronger competition in the financial markets and to smooth co-operation with supervisory bodies. Candidates will become up-to-date with the latest developments that affect the treasury operations. It also helps candidates to develop a front to end treasury view in terms of process promoting a better understanding between trading community and operations staff. The course is designed for the following groups: Operations staff with at least 2 years of experience and seniors, Other Trading Room Support Areas, Internal and external Auditors, Compliance and Risk Officers, Product Control and Vendors.
ACI Model Code Certificate
The Model Code is ACI’s Code of Conduct and describes market best practices and conventions for global financial markets. It is recognized by many central banks and financial institutions around the globe as market standard. The Model Code examination aims at promoting the ACI best practices and conventions amongst market practitioners. This new Model Code exam is based on the Model Code including FX Best Practices Operations. The course is designed for the following groups: Market practitioners in FXMM, Risk and Compliance Officers, Senior practitioners who wish to sit the ACI Diploma and ACI Operations Certificate holders who wish to sit the ACI Diploma
ACI Diploma
The ACI Diploma builds on the ACI Dealing Certificate and the ACI Operations Certificate and is designed to ensure that candidates acquire a superior theoretical and practical knowledge of the foreign exchange and money markets, their related instruments, and the linkages that exist between those markets and the practice of risk management. Candidates are expected to have acquired a solid grounding in the core subject areas and have the requisite skills in financial mathematics prior to matriculating for the Diploma. The course is designed for the following groups: Senior foreign exchange and money market dealers, Corporate and bank treasurers and Senior operations staff. In order to become eligible for the ACI Diploma examination:
- You need to pass the ACI Dealing Certificate
- You need to pass the ACI Operations Certificate plus the ACI Model Code Certificate examination
- You need to be a senior practitioner with a ten years’ work experience in financial markets and you need to pass the ACI Model Code Certificate examination. In this case you have to submit your CV to the ACI
Board of Education which will decide on your eligibility. Please visit ACI FMA web site in order to DOWNLOAD: Study guides, Syllabuses, Formula sheets and Sample questions for certificates and diploma.
Training Companies
ACI – The Financial Markets Association is an exam body and exam preparation opportunities are delivered by third parties like training companies, business schools and authors. Please visit ACI FMA web site in order to DOWNLOAD the latest updated list of training companies.
Exam Centers
The ACI examinations are delivered, on behalf of ACI, by Prometric via its network of over 2,000 worldwide testing centres. Your registration is made directly with Prometric and details of the regional telephone numbers for your registration are available at ACI FMA web site.